Thinking Blogger Awards

I am extremely honored that Brilynn, one of my favorite food bloggers, saw fit to nominate me for a Thinking Blogger Award.
I’ll take any excuse to introduce you to some of the wonderful blogs out there for you to read. (I’m tempted to name my other blog, the Mental Disability Law Blog, but I will be good and stick with food blogs instead.) So, in no particular order, my nominees are:
1. Cook & Eat and Still Life With… – both of these blogs are run by the same brilliant woman, so I’m counting them together as a single nominee. I can never decide which impresses me more, her cooking or her food styling and photography. Rather than choosing, I suggest you read up on both. I learned most of what I know about food photography by reading her blog.
2. Tigers & Strawberries – Barbara is a professional, and it shows. Her blog is full of basic tutorials on stir-fry technique, becoming acquainted with each and every spice in your pantry, and more. Her blog is an incredible resource for anyone who wants to learn to cook Chinese, Indian, Thai, or Vietnamese food (and more!) from the bottom up, with great focus on understanding the basic building blocks of flavor and how to layer them together to great effect.
3. Rasa Malaysia – Bee is a wonderful photographer and an excellent chef. Her recipes come off as traditional without being dull, and every time I follow one of them, it survives the taste test and delights our dinner guests.
4. Hungry in Hogtown – Rob is a brave explorer of molecular gastronomy and the tastiness of really cute parts of cute animals. I look forward to his every post, because there is always something there to excite and intrigue me. He is probably the food blogger I would most like to cook with, someday.
5. Roots and Grubs – I mostly read this for Matthew’s tales of the adorable things his three-year-old daughter, Iris, does and says. How can you not love a parent and child who play a game called “I’m takin’ your bacon.”?
Winners, now you get nominate 5 blogs that make you think. Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to the original Thinking Blogger Award post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
[...] you go both Habeas Brulee and The Village Vegetable for your incredibly kind words and the Thinking Blogger Award. For those [...]
While it isn’t a food site, I’m constantly challenged and educated by the content at
You are too sweet, really. I just got back from China so apologies for this late response. Thanks again! (And yes, I will be posting my China pictures as soon as I clean up my dirty house and get over my jetlag!).
Thanks for the links! Fun new stuff to explore …