Comments on: Kumquat Cake Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:49:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Delyth@thedelicious Thu, 29 Mar 2012 21:27:45 +0000 Hi
I made your cake the other night after having bought a carton of kumquats. Thankyou for the recipe. I really enjoyed it. I switched the almond flour to regular and added a little milk and cream to loosen and a few raspberries also which needed to be used. I think I would definitely try with the almond flour next time to provide a nuttier taste.

By: Liz Sat, 13 Feb 2010 07:00:29 +0000 I just made this with Meyer lemons and served with good yogurt (St. Benoit), and they went great together! I’ve been wanting to bake, but have been bummed about winter weight gain, so was pleased to see such a relatively healthy and simple recipe (no added fat – just almonds and whole eggs, and I reduced the sugar). I am excited to try the other things on this blog – great stuff!

By: cora Sun, 03 Jan 2010 09:37:48 +0000 it is a wondeful thing, we had it yesterday night with a brandy whipped cream, just perfect. so I searched for the recipe and bingo, here it is. i’m just looking forward to taste it after your proposal. cora ( switzerland)

By: Wild Yeast Tue, 06 May 2008 03:32:01 +0000 Farmer’s Market Fruit Galette…

Rustic fruit desserts are my favorite, and I almost always order one if it’s on the menu when we eat out. (My husband likes to guess what dessert I’ll choose, and he’s usually right because my taste is so predictable.) However, unles…

By: ~M Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:58:25 +0000 I made this with 4 lemons (1 lb) for my Passover seder and it was enjoyed by all (I increased the sugar to 1.25 cups). Lime would be tasty too. I ended up using ground [unblanched] almonds and it’s wonderful! Thanks!

By: Dana Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:25:48 +0000 This looks really really (really) awesome!!

By: Danielle Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:33:23 +0000 Nicole – Kumquats are lovely, you should try them!

M – Well, looks like Manggy got to your question first. I tend to just buy almond meal at the store (I think it’s blanched), but you could also just grind up your own almonds (in which case I’d be inclined to leave the skins on for more flavor).

Manggy – I don’t know, I’ve never had a Kiat! Kumquats are tiny citrus fruits (smaller than your thumb), about twice as long as they are wide, with a sweet edible skin and a very tangy inside.

RM, Annemarie – You got it.

Brilynn – Now I want to make some!

By: ~M Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:18:27 +0000 Thanks for the reply. Any recommendations as to the type of almond flour: blanched or regular (with skins on).

By: Annemarie Sun, 10 Feb 2008 21:23:30 +0000 Custardy rich dessert with a bit of kumquat to bring a touch of refreshment into it sounds worth every filling bite.

By: brilynn Sun, 10 Feb 2008 19:55:20 +0000 The kumquat looks like it’s dusted with gold! And yes, sour cream ice cream would be perfect.
